Native to the Canary Islands, North Africa, Western Asia and India, Lavender lives throughout the Mediterranean area in stony and limestone rocky places, from the sea to high altitudes.

Grow lavender in the garden and on the balcony
Rather than Lavender, we should talk about Lavender, considering that the species are different, around 25, and there are many varieties.
Only of the classic Lavandula angustifolia there are more varieties with different colors of the flower: lilac, purple, blue, purple, pink and white.
Whatever the species and variety chosen, every garden cannot be without a Lavender bush or border, just as a large pot cannot be missing on every terrace, as long as it is exposed to the sun.

Cooking with Lavender
Although the virtues of Lavender are essentially linked to its scent, some authors indicate its culinary uses to flavor meat dishes with other aromatic herbs; to delicately perfume sweets and jams; to candy the flowers; to prepare flavored wine and vinegar.

Properties of Lavender
In past times, Lavender was widely used in medicine and was used with serene confidence.
The best-known use of Lavender is for the preparation of essence
which, depending on the concentration and extraction method, is called Italian, French or English lavender.
For greasy hair we recommend rinsing with water where lavender flowers have boiled; the essential oil is indicated for acne and pimples; leaves and flowers make the bath water balsamic.

Characteristics of the plant
- Prefers sunny exposures
- It tolerates the cold well
- Prefers moderate humidity